

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 04:08



热心网友 时间:2023-08-28 23:35

  冰糖葫芦,酸甜适口,老少皆宜,它不仅好吃,而且还十分好看,红彤彤的山楂果按大小 冰糖葫排列穿在竹签子上,外面裹着晶莹透明的糖稀,出售它的人往往把一只只糖葫芦串插在特制的木棍上,像一颗结满硕果的小树,煞是诱人。

Sugar-coated haws is a traditional Chinese food, it is the string of wild fruit clusters with the bamboo stick dipped after the maltose thin, taffy case of wind quickly harden. A common snack in northern winter, usually strung with hawthorn, starch syrup was frozen hard, eating sweet and sour, is still ice.
Sugar-coated haws, sweet and sour, all ages, it is not only delicious but also very good-looking, bright red sugar-coated haws hawthorn fruit arranged by size through the bamboo stick to the elements, wrapped in crystal clear starch syrup, people tend to sell one of its only the string of candied fruit on a stick inserted in a special, like a small tree laden with fruit, is really attractive.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-28 23:35

Ice-sugar gourd, make many people can remember her childhood,

The sweet and sour taste, favorite memories. Ice-sugar gourd, in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula, recorded in the history of qing years earlier, rage across, teahouse, theater, streets are everywhere, has now become China's traditional snacks. Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old, it has appetizers, raise colour, increase the wisdom, eliminate fatigue, qingre role. Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string, long the top post gourd held a small flags, a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit, the bamboo stick son, take in your hand the chatter chatter, a more add a festive ambience of festival. The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd, still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor. Every winter, regardless of the cities or the countryside, selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the businessman, or cart or shoulder, the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting. All Be in twos and threes, each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one, GaBengCui acid and sweet, sweet, very not pleasing may have. In people's impression, ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks, generally a dollar a. Eat a taste of a single, occasionally, ice-sugar gourd

Old reach-like doesn't pass by technology of tooth ice-sugar gourd, stick always feel that nothing good. But in recent years the old Beijing appears the flavor of various varieties with ice-sugar gourd of taste, raw materials selected, the clean health paper bag packaging quickly won the general common people's favorite, time appeared unseen queuing bid for the phenomenon. Such ice-sugar gourd in the selection of raw materials, pick hawthorn division acid slightly sweet hawthorn for high quality hawthorn lamb-based dish. Complementary with various stuffing, dried fruit, fruit and other accessories made variety of flavors sandwich ice-sugar gourd. When the sale NuoMiZhi wrapped string, brown paper bag packaging the clean health, greatly improving the quality of ice-sugar gourd. To keep a large number of repeat customers. Consumer groups by kids expanded to alts, and the elderly, some people to eat a ice-sugar gourd at journey faraway... ... (according to the age of yanjing record "records: ice-sugar gourd, but by bamboo, dealing with ShanLiGong, hitom fruit and grapes, hemp yam, walnuts, bean, etc, dip in with icing, sweet crisp and cool.) Alias: northeast area called sugar cream shandong yantai area to call drops
那又酸又甜的味道,至今记忆犹新。冰糖葫芦,在宋朝年间便开始了古式的做法,历史中早有记载,大清年间各地盛行,茶楼、戏院、大街小巷到处可见,现已成为我国传统小吃。冰糖葫芦老少皆宜,它具有开胃、养颜、增智、消除疲劳、清热等作用。   些年在北京春节的庙会上还时常看到串得长长的糖葫芦,最顶上贴着一面小彩旗,一串上足有百十来个山楂果,被红红的果实压弯了的竹签子,拿在手中一颤一颤的,更增添了节日的热闹气氛。提起冰糖葫芦的来历,还得说说南宋的宋光宗皇帝呢。每到隆冬时节,不论城市还是农村,总能见到卖冰糖葫芦的生意人,他们或推车或肩扛,红彤彤的山楂在糖膜的包裹下格外诱人。被三三两两的大小姑娘围住,各自买上一支,咬上一口,嘎嘣脆酸中带甜,唇齿留香,好不惬意。 在人们的印象中,冰糖葫芦是小孩吃的零食,一般一元一支。口味单一,偶尔吃一支, 冰糖葫芦
老能碰到因技术不过关粘牙的冰糖葫芦,总觉的没什么好吃的。可近几年出现的老北京风味的冰糖葫芦以繁多的品种口味、原料的精挑细选、干净卫生的纸袋包装迅速赢得广大老百姓的喜爱,一时间出现了多年不见的排队竞购的现象。此种冰糖葫芦在原料山楂的选用上,挑山楂产区酸中微甜优质山楂为主料。辅以各种馅料、干果、水果及其它辅料制成多种口味的夹心冰糖葫芦。在销售时糯米纸裹串、牛皮纸袋包装干净卫生,大大提高了冰糖葫芦的品质。从而留住了大批的回头客。消费群体由小孩扩大到了成年人以及老人,有的人为了吃到一支冰糖葫芦而不惜路途遥远 … …   (据《燕京岁时记》记载:冰糖葫芦,乃用竹签,贯以山里红、海棠果、葡萄、麻山药、核桃仁、豆沙等,蘸以冰糖,甜脆而凉。)   别名:东北地区叫糖梨膏 山东烟台地区叫糖