
用through thick and thin造句子

2022-05-03 来源:哗拓教育

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【through thick and thin造句】内容,供您参考。

1、When he was here before, for the country, he is not the personal gains, and the Xinjiang people through thick and thin, creating immense wealth.(当年他来过这里,为了国家,他不计个人得失,与新疆人民同甘共苦,创造了无数的财富。)

2、Father and mother went through thick and thin together. They now live a healthy and wealthy life.(父亲和母亲曾经共过患难,现在他们过着健康而富裕的生活。)

3、And, we know as Liverpool fans, it is our duty to support our team through thick and thin, win or loss, good times and bad.(而且我们知道,作为利物浦的球迷,与球队同甘共苦,走过胜利与失败,共同度过顺境和逆境,是我们的责任。)

4、We've been through thick and thin together.(我们一直都同甘共苦。)

5、I believe that a friend with you through thick and thin is the most cherished!(我坚信,能够与你同甘共苦的朋友是最值得珍惜的!)

6、The family takes pride in sticking to its companies through thick and thin, but says it will not hesitate to sell when prospects seem permanently dim.(无论企业的表现或好或坏,这个家族都坚持持有,并以此为傲。但当预期到它们的表现可能会永久黯淡时,也会毫不犹豫地卖掉它们。)

7、she cheers me on through thick and thin.(她欢呼,我就透过厚和薄。)

8、I can clearly remember my friends through thick and thin should be.(我能清楚地记得我应该和朋友同甘共苦。)

9、Mole and Badger, they stuck out, through thick and thin, that you would come back again soon, somehow.(鼹鼠莫尔和獾子班杰不畏艰险,坚持说,不管怎样,你很快就会回来的。)

10、He has supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin.(十多年来,他不顾艰难支持这个队。)

11、He's stuck with me through thick and thin for a lifetime, but I never put him to a sterner test.(在我们的一生中,无论遇到什么艰难险阻,他始终和我站在一起,不过我从来也没有比较苛刻地考验过他。)

12、He's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin.(十多年来,在任何情况下他都支持这个队。)

13、Hendricks, means that you reveal your true self to your partner and support your partner through thick and thin.(有意识的奉献意味着你向你的伴侣展示了你真实的自己,并在任何情况下都支持你的伴侣。)

14、After the storm, to see people can understand the feelings of true and false; go through thick and thin together, warm and cold.(历经风云,才能看透人心真假;患难与共,才能领悟感情冷暖。)

15、Partners around you through thick and thin example.(身边的伙伴是你同甘共苦的榜样。)

16、Jack stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education.(虽然历尽艰难,杰克仍在大学里坚持下来,因为他想受教育。)

17、They were friends through thick and thin.(他们是同甘共苦的朋友。)

18、I think the real friends who can be with you through thick and thin, you can trust, and will not betray your people.(我认为真正的朋友应该是那些能与你同甘共苦的,你可信任的,不会背弃你的人。)

19、A real friend is one who will stand by you through thick and thin.(一个真正的朋友是会和你同甘苦、共患难的。)

20、His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin.(他的妻子和他同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝。)

21、She had promised her mother that she would be with him through thick and thin.(她答应过自己的母亲,要和弟弟同甘共苦。)

22、I shall go to Liverpool tomorrow, and find my lad, and stay with him through thick and thin.(我明天要上利物浦去看我的孩子,好歹陪着他。)

23、A true friend sticks through thick and thin.(一个真正的朋友会同甘共苦的。)

24、They completed the project ahead of time through thick and thin.(他们不顾困难提前完成了工程。)

25、For over 10 years, I've brought this company through thick and thin.(十年来,历经无数的艰难险阻,我将公司经营至今。)

26、Journey of their dreams will not be smooth, though full of thorns road, through thick and thin, but I still move forward and pursue Menger light.(寻梦的旅途中必将不会一帆风顺,尽管荆棘满路,风雨同舟,但我依然勇往直前,追寻梦儿的光芒。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


